It’s National Vans Customization Day here at the Stencil1 studio! We want to original style when Spring hits so we purchased some Vans and put our mark on them. See here how we did it so you to can be one of a kind!

Spray low tack spray adhesive on the back of the stencils so they stick to the shoe surface.

Tape off the soles so you only paint the canvas part of the Vans.

We are all taped up and ready to paint!

The stencils we used are the small Mum stencil, the Asian Mum Stencil, the Exotic Mum stencil, and the Moroccan Petals stencil.

The flexible mylar material wraps around the shoes easily…

Lightly fill in the open areas with paint color of your choice.

On another pair we used white fabric paint.

Peel the stencil away carefully and see your work.

Keep applying the stencils, placed to your liking and varying colors if you like.

Here’s shoe #1!

And from the second pair, we add some subtle pattern.

Now, inspired by Japanese textiles, we are adding some white mums to these new blue denim Vans…

We are going with a dry brush technique, very little paint, to get a distressed look.

like this!

Here’s a vocabulary word for you if you don’t know it …wabi-sabi, the term represents Japanese aesthetics …centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”. Words to live by here, embrace the imperfections.

No one else has these, isn’t it cool to be original?

The three new pairs of Vans, customized and ready for Me, Lilian and Catherine, the Stencil1 crew!

We hope this inspired you and if you customize your kicks with our stencils please share some images with us @Stencil1