Here’s a recap of our visit to Paris to be a part of the Brooklyn Pop up Shop that Le Bon Marché asked Stencil1 be a part of.
This was a highly curated and special event with music, food, and some wonderful Brooklyn brands involved and we were thrilled to be a part of it!

Le Bon Marché, I approached and thought “This is going to be Posh (Spice)!”

Beautiful structure…

Water towers filled the floors, reaching thru their sky mural ceilings

Signage BROOKLYN that doubles as shelves

Beautiful smiles of the lovely ladies who work at le Bon Marché, everyone wore denim aprons.

Bricks that had all the brands names on them, there we are!

I set up my demo materials – Stencils, brushes, t-shirts, totes, and Tulip Fabric paint!

I was early so I relaxed by painting a bit…

My product was for sale in several parts of the store, here are the Sprayers

I showed people how to use one stencil to make a pattern. I also showed how to blend colors.
People loved the Deer stencil and anything Brooklyn!

Then in the evening the press and guests came for a party! Lobster rolls, gourmet hotdogs, Brooklyn beer, music- it was awesome!

I had no idea who would be there from Brooklyn and I was reunited with my friend Stephanie who is part owner of Saved Tattoo. Also here Virginia of Saved and two fine gents from Knickerbocker Manufacturing Co.

TinTin, the premiere tattoo artist of Paris and his chic and fun girlfriend.

I ran into my friend Ben and his wife Fay who is also in the sale, see her jewelry here.

Saved has product too!

then this guy made my night…

It’s not a party without Brooklyn Brewery

I just wanted to paint all night

Brooklyn Deer, why not?

Afro girl dreaming of music and spray cans

Baggu, a Brooklyn staple

and Fish’s Eddy, one of my favorite stores

Then Polo & Pan played and the entire place partied

Then it was time to leave! Thank you Le Bon Marche and the people of Paris!