Hello, Ed Roth here, and I am EXCITED to tell you about this new Halloween stencil set! Halloween is my favorite holiday, I like costumes, a day to be anything you want to be and all the dark imagery is just fun and cool. And I do think this is such a cool set of Halloween stencils because I think you can use them not just for Halloween crafting! When designing stencils, i often think, How would this look on a t-shirt? and these are ideal for customizing tees. They are very goth/punk/rock and I am DYING to paint them on skateboards, pant pockets, backpacks, and more. Of course they are awesome for Halloween pumpkin painting and trick or treat bags too! Scroll to see how I painted a few shirts with the new designs!

Skeleton hand, a classic

Trick or Treat in Old English lettering and a nice punk rock skull. Where will you paint these? Tell me on social or in comments!

The new set is available on Stencil1.com. I hope you have fun with these and please share what you made with me by using #stencil1 and @stencil1 on social media