In celebrating the iconic boots that changed fashion, Clarks has asked us to partner up with them on their 65th Anniversary of their original Desert Boots. The Clarks brand reflects around craftsmanship, and we are excited to display the shoes we have customized the day of the event.
In the meantime, we have created a look for you using our Stencil1 brand that we hope you enjoy!

To create the customized look we designed for Clarks, follow the steps provided and join us in celebrating the original Boots.
- Have your Clarks Desert Boots ready, your paintbrush, choice of paint color, and stencil.
Here we are using our Triangles Repeat Pattern, and brown paint for a simple look. However feel free to use a stencil pattern from our collection and the paint color of your preference. - For a clean finish, place the tape on the edges where you want the design to end.
- Now it’s time to place your stencil onto the shoe and start painting!
(Because of the shoe’s material, it may be easier to paint in a dabbing motion. But of course, apply it however way you feel most comfortable in).
- Make sure the paint is dry before you continue painting. Remember try not to overlap the stencil on wet paint or flip the shoe because it may smear.
- For this particular design, we painted only the outside quarter, but don’t be scared in being creative! You can always paint the portions of the shoe you want to stand out, and since our stencils are flexible it’ll be easy to wrap around.
- When you are finished and the paint is all dry, remove the tape carefully.
- Now you have your own customized Clarks Desert Boots!
Remember to take a picture of your final product and share with us your design by tagging @stencil1