A Stencil1 customer who purchased our Birch Tree Stencils emailed me this picture of their work. They did a great job with accurately portraying the perspective of the trees. I also like how they tilted the trees and used both sides of the stencil to make the trees all look different. Great Job!

before the spray...

Here are a few pictures of the Obamathon evening at the Verdi Club, last friday night. A super big thank you to Jen for the awesome pictures! To Darcie for a wonderful event! To Ed for hookin’ it up!! and to my momma, for all of her help! -elaine

the first shirt sprayed that evening..

I was on a lunchbreak from a consulting job in midtown Manhattan one afternoon when this guy walked by wearing this awesome hoodie with our turntable stencil repeated on it. I had to ask “where did you get that?” and he told me his girlfriend made it for him. How nice, That made my day!