Today the fedex man delivered me a great surprise, an advance copy of my new book Stencil 101 Decor! Chronicle Books deserves a packaging design award for this one! You just have to see it! The new decor book comes with 10 precut stencils designed to repeat. You can create a great wallpaper effect using just one stencil! This book is scheduled to reach shelves November 1. You can pre-order it today. Hope you like it!

Title: Stencil1 and Sharpie get Fashionable
Location: Bryant Park tents, Fashion Week
Description: Everyone’s most used marker SHARPIE is stepping it up by creating a DIY Fashion Bar at FASHION WEEK. Stencil1 has donated some of our best stencil patterns so people can stencil bracelets, headbands, and more! We will be in attendance, helping people stencil, stop by and make something!
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2009-09-13



You know I’m always looking for surfaces! I joke that if it stands still long enough, I will stencil, it’s really only a half joke! My husband finally let me get my inky paws on his R1! He had some extra fairing pieces for his motorcyle, and after a good washing..they were perfect for decorating! So…what will you stencil next???


This coming Saturday..I’ll be doing an in store demo in Downtown Petaluma..just north of  San Francisco! If you happen to be out and about, stop by and say hi!  <3 elaine