Please come to ETSY LABS for a night of Stenciling! Bring a t-shirt, a tote bag, a card, anything you’d like to stencil!

Title: Craft Night at the Etsy Labs: Stencils with Ed Roth
Location: Etsy Labs 55 Washington St Suite 512 (5th floor) Brooklyn, NY 11201 7188557955
Link out: Click here
Description: We hope to see you at our first Craft Night of the New Year! Ed Roth, of Stencil 101 fame, will be joining us for an evening of stenciling.
Drop in anytime between 4-8pm to craft with us each Monday. Instructions are given throughout the night as participants arrive. So don’t worry, if you swing by after work at 6, for example, you won’t be missing out on the demo.
Craft Night is a time to make things, sharpen your craft skills, meet new friends, and hang out. See you there!
Start Time: 4:00pm
Date: 2010-01-25
End Time: 8:00pm

I took a trip to Muji the other day to buy some plain items that I could stencil. I found these simple pillow cases that I thought would be perfect to stencil a design onto from the new book. I am not sure why I am on such a turquoise kick, but I used it again to paint with! For this project, all you need is fabric paint, a stencil brush, a stencil and a pillowcase.  I stenciled a design on each side just to test both out and voila! Check it out.



I felt it important to show you just what you get in the new book so here are some quick pics of the stencils pulled out of their folder. You get 10 precut plastic stencils(in addition to the awesome pictures and how-to’s ! ). Each stencil is large, 11 inches by 11 inches. The black and white pages you see are just inserts between the stencils for you to see the designs. I am about to get all these stencils covered in paint, I am making 200 tote bags! I’ll show that next post. Hope that helps!



I was contacted by the lovely gals who make up Design*Sponge recently to be considered for their sneak peek section of the site. This is where they show you the design interiors of designers. How flattering to be asked! Well, I immediately started cleaning! Luckily, over the last year or two, I have been getting rid of a lot of junk or at least storing it in my studio. Well, I shot the place and pointed out some of my favorite objets and added in a little bit of my design philosophy. They took that and made this wonderful article of it, I hope you like it. Thank you Design*Sponge!

Hexagon stencil used on wall at home

Hexagon stencil used on wall at home


I just got my preview copy of Stencil 101 Decor..and, seriously, you’re going to want this book. Bad. It is so beautifully packaged and put together..and did I mention 11 inch square, plastic stencils?! Yup..I know I’m going to be doing some real crafty damage! I’ve already put together a new curtain for my office..there’s a step by step how-to here.  and I’m working on a video..don’t wan to say yet what it’s all about..but it will feature these new designs! I’ll keep you posted..oh, and Ed! You Rock!!


Hugo Boss went DIY for this in-store event they held during Fashion’s Night Out.  Stencil1 provided them with orange and black Stencil1 Sprayer fabric spraypaint and cut a custom stencil of their Hugo Boss Orange logo. Customers could make their own custom t-shirts!

 Custom Hugo Boss Orange Stencil by Stencil1

Custom Hugo Boss Orange Stencil by Stencil1

Hugo Boss event with Stencil1 stencils

Hugo Boss event with Stencil1 stencils

Hugo Boss event with Stencil1 stencils

Hugo Boss event with Stencil1 stencils