The high point of my day was receiving an email from Carlita Dee, a lovely gal who purchased our book Stencil101 and went stencil mad on all these baby onesies! Carlita makes a great point, since fabric paint dries fairly fast, you can make a gift the day of the event, love that! You can read her full review of the book on her blog, purly victorious . Thank you Carla for the kind words and the great photos!

So I jumped over to FredFlare’s warehouse in Greenpoint to do my first official book signing. I signed a big stack of books for them so if you want an autographed copy of my book Stencil101 check it out! Thanks Chris and Keith at FredFlare!

Wow, we had fun at the Stencil101 book launch party at powerHouse arena in Brooklyn! Thanks to all who came out! There were some serious stencilers there, and some great pieces were made! Here’s just a few pics:

Come on down to Powerhouse Arena in Brooklyn Dec 6 from 4-6pm for our first official book launch party for Stencil101!
You can stencil a tote bag or make an original print or a card using Stencil1 stencils. Stencil1 branded chocolates provided by Chocolate Bar. . Hope to see you there!

And here’s a sneak preview of one of the items you can design at the event. We will have a bunch of 8″x8″ card stock for you to stencil your favorite design on. Use it as a gift card or frame it as seen here for a one-of-a-kind piece of art! Frames sold separately!