Renegade Craft Fair San Francisco

Renegade Craft Fair San Francisco

Yes, it’s true, Stencil1 will be taking part of Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco and I can’t wait. I’ll be signing copies of our book for sale and a few lucky attendees may just win a copy of Stencil 101 as well! I will be joining my partner in crime Elaine of rocknrollcrafts, she is an official licensed user of Stencil1 stencils and will have some pretty amazing stuff for sale that she has handmade just for you!

WHEN? JULY 18 + 19 from 11am – 7pm, at Fort Mason Center Festival Pavilion.

WHERE CAN YOU FIND US SPECIFICALLY ? We are booth #97! On the main aisle..just down from the doors!! Come on by!

Chronicle Books has generously donated 5 copies of Stencil 101 to be raffled off at the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn! Stencil1 will not have a booth there this year but be sure to enter the raffle at the Renegade Welcome Booth near North 12th St.  to win your copy autographed by yours truly! Good Luck! AND You may see some interesting “teaser” paintings along the fences of the park too, wink wink! ENJOY!

Renegade Craft Fair from last year

Renegade Craft Fair from last year


To all of our Stencil 1 San Francisco Bay Area fans..and those who love to travel..come visit Elaine Barr of Rock n Roll Crafts and Stencil 1 at this years Bay Area Maker Faire! We will be spraying custom stenciled t shirts, selling Stencils 1 stencils, the wonderful Stencil 101 book, much more! We’ll also have a graffiti wall up for you to make your own mark! This is a two day show, May 30 and 31, at the San Mateo fairgrounds! Hope to see you there!

We are pleased to announce that we will be attending and demo’ing at the CHA (Craft & Hobby Association Tradeshow). Maybe they should call that CHAT? Anyway, we will be at the Indie Craft booth, which is part of the Innovations show floor section. When you enter the show floor, look up. You will see a HUGE ceiling banner that says, “Innovations”. The booth is directly under the banner. It is in hall D, booth #1309.
Myself and Elaine are doing one-hour demos:
Monday Jan 26 3-4pm
Tuesday Jan 27 11-12pm
We will be demo’ing various uses of the stencils and giving away a few copies of the new book Stencil101! Hope to see you there!