To SCOPE ART and to all who attended, I say a big, fat THANK YOU! SCOPE is such an important show to me as it balances  street artists with come major,celebrated contemporary artists.  A completely inspiring environment to create art in, wouldn’t you agree?   We had so much fun making wooden postcards and canvas patches using Stained by Sharpie Markers! Check out the pics from the day!

Stencil 201

To be eligible to win a free copy of our brand new book Stencil 201 we are going to the twitter-verse and asking you to RT or re-tweet our latest message.

Here’s how to join the contest:  Go to Twitter, follow me @edstencil and Re-Tweet my tweet as you also see below!

#contest I’ve entered to win a copy of #Stencil201 available at! Just follow @edstencl1 & RT !