If you are in the Bay Area, tune into View from the Bay at 3pm today on Channel 7 ABC News. I was honored to tape a segment with energetic host Lisa Quinn in her stunning home. I  showed Lisa how to make t-shirts and more using the stencils from our book.  Not in the Bay area? Well, they also stream the show live on their website here.  Hope you like it!



As soon as my husband, Cary, saw the Bigfoot stencil, he had to have a shirt. We didn’t have any blank shirts, so we took his old Jagermeister staff shirt, some Sprayer in Black..the bigfoot stencil and the deer stencil (for an extra touch of antlers)..he’s got a new shirt! That’s what we call recycling! Oh boy…I just thought about the two bags of shirts in the closet..gotta go!! -Elaine

So I’m plopped on the couch the other nite, watching one of my favorite shows, SYTYCD, and suddenly dancer Gev busts out a full breakdance solo donning a Stencil1 made t-shirt! The stylist of the show did an awesome job, using out turntable, boombox, and headphones in bright neon colors on a grey shirt.
Thanks to the stylists!

Martha Stwart and Cynthia Nixon meet Stencil1

Martha Stewart and Cynthia Nixon meet Stencil1

Ok, well maybe not Goth but when Stencil1 was featured on Martha Stewart, she painted the Jolly Roger stencil. Martha+Skulls=I was loving this odd Juxtaposition! Apparently, Martha LOVES Halloween as do I. So I sat in the audience as guest star Cynthia Nixon and Martha made some two-process Halloween shirts. I showed the producers a bleaching technique using Clorox Bleach Pens that I learned from Syrie at TreeHouse Brooklyn and they loved it. It was very inspiring and we are grateful for the appearance. Watch the 2 part how-to video! Stencil1 on Martha