Do It Yourself, Winter 2010

Do It Yourself, Winter 2010 featuring Stencil1

It’s always nice to get press but it’s really great when you get to be in such a well put together DIY magazine like Do It Yourself by Better Homes & Gardens. The Winter 2010 issue is out now and the editors have packed this issue with some very impressive and affordable home-makeovers. See that back wall in the cover image? That’s one of the 10 stencil patternsĀ  from Stencil 101 Decor. I counted 7 pages in which Stencil1 stenciled items appear so check it out to see stenciled tables, walls, and artwork!

Family Circle has thought of this genius use for Stencil 101 Decor repeat pattern stencils – Stencil a picnic table! Talk about Summer fun!

Today the fedex man delivered me a great surprise, an advance copy of my new book Stencil 101 Decor! Chronicle Books deserves a packaging design award for this one! You just have to see it! The new decor book comes with 10 precut stencils designed to repeat. You can create a great wallpaper effect using just one stencil! This book is scheduled to reach shelves November 1. You can pre-order it today. Hope you like it!