Why a Ranchero Stencil? Well, this is not any Ranchero, it is a 1976 Ford Ranchero Squire and there were only about 900 made that year. It was also my Father’s car and now it is mine. It is my best memory of my Dad so if you use this stencil, please paint it proud!

Amy Sedaris took part in the BUST Craftacular and I was there to stick my fat head in this picture and get her book I Like You autographed. I told her about Stencil1 and she checked out the stencils and said she liked the Pine Branch. I pegged her for more of the retro stuff, who knew. Anyway, she looked hot and was being insane and funny. And her book is genius, quite the bang for your buck. Yay.

Polaroid photo credit: Jason Rodgers

I got the nicest email today from one fantastically creative gal, Kathy Cano-Murillo aka the Crafty Chica! Kathy is doing these great how-to spots with Lifetime and wanted to do projects with my stencils. No brainer for me! I sent her some stencils and here’s a cool project she did, etching a mirror with our Antlered Deer Stencil. Follow the link and click “Etched Glass Mirror”

Etched Glass Mirror

I have to share this artists paintings with you all. His name is Marcus Jansen and he’s brilliant. Marcus asked me to license my stencil imagery for use in his truly amazing paintings. I don’t usually license but he is so talented I had to! See what he’s made here, can you spot our stencils in his street landscapes?