A little Stencil Sprayers, Birdie stencil and a canvas...

A little Stencil1 Sprayers, the Birdies Stencil & a square canvas…
Back and fresh from a three day week-end, which I spent stenciling! Of course! Here is a cute little 5 inch square canvas, that I covered with Stencil 1 sprays. On a gessoed canvas, the sprays don’t soak in right away, so you can play around with dropping other colors into it and watch them spread around. I let the canvas sit overnight and then next day added the stenciling, using black acrylic paint. To get the diamond shapes, I stenciled through the perforation from the bird stencil;

I have to share this artists paintings with you all. His name is Marcus Jansen and he’s brilliant. Marcus asked me to license my stencil imagery for use in his truly amazing paintings. I don’t usually license but he is so talented I had to! See what he’s made here, can you spot our stencils in his street landscapes?