Spring Cleaning!


The other day, Stencil1 got a head start on a little studio spring-cleaning. There are a couple major projects down the pipeline, so before we really get our hands dirty, we needed an organized space ripe for productivity (i.e., Ed had a bunch of stuff he needed to get rid of).

It was such a funny process, the mini trial that was conducted for each object. Ed, the prosecutor, me the jury. Each item was scrutinized for monetary value or sentimental worth. There was a selection of velvet rock posters from his brother’s bedroom, paperweights, lead type, battery-powered motors, maps, records, and books. I can’t remember it all. It reminded me of that birthday game. No, not hot potato or musical chairs or throw the socks in the laundry basket. Though, I think that last one was played only at our house. This is how it went: the birthday girl’s mother would come out with a tray of things covered by a dishtowel. She’d unveil the tray for about thirty seconds, during which time you studied it and committed its contents to memory. Then you furiously wrote everything down. I once won at Erinn Lynch’s birthday party and my prize, you ask? A fever meter! Remember those? An hourglass looking glass cylinder that was filled with colored liquid. When you held one end of it, the heat from your hand would propel the liquid to the other side. I remember thinking it was so cool.

Once we’re finished cleaning, we’ll be announcing our new projects. Stay tuned!

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