
Last week I attended a book launch event for Swoon’s new book, Swoon,  at the Urban Art Projects space in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Swoon had created  an installation with the books themselves, and they will be sold right off the wall. I have admired her work for years, seeing it all over my neighborhood and on blogs, but never got to meet her. I got in line, paid for a book, and plucked one off the wall. She was sitting casually in the space and I asked her to sign my book and gushed some words out. I really adore her stlye and moreso her voice. She brings attention to  world situations and worthy causes through her work. Her subjects become immortalized and honored in her work. Jeffrey Deitch wrote the intro to her book and describes her work with such perfection and also tells some humorous stories of working with Swoon, I suggest you pick up the book to find out more.

Well, today I went to a park in Williamsburg on Kent and North 8th that has a structure in it built by Swoon. This structure is similar to sustainable structures she is helping to build in Haiti. The difference is this structure also has her art adorning it. It is placed in the park fairly close to the shoreline and the juxtaposition of this hut-like structure to the architecture of the NYC skyline is brilliant. Enjoy the photos posted and if you are in NY try to see it. For information about the charity and how to donate or help, please visit kinbitshelter.org

Thanks Swoon for all your inspiration!

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