California here I come! Renegade SF!

Renegade Craft Fair San Francisco

Renegade Craft Fair San Francisco

Yes, it’s true, Stencil1 will be taking part of Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco and I can’t wait. I’ll be signing copies of our book for sale and a few lucky attendees may just win a copy of Stencil 101 as well! I will be joining my partner in crime Elaine of rocknrollcrafts, she is an official licensed user of Stencil1 stencils and will have some pretty amazing stuff for sale that she has handmade just for you!

WHEN? JULY 18 + 19 from 11am – 7pm, at Fort Mason Center Festival Pavilion.

WHERE CAN YOU FIND US SPECIFICALLY ? We are booth #97! On the main aisle..just down from the doors!! Come on by!

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