Stencil 101 Decor Twitter CONTEST!


Tweet! tweet! Are you all about Twitter? It’s fun and addictive so we are having a contest that is all about it.  We are giving away an advanced, signed copy of Stencil 101 Decor! Well, to start, STEP1 is you can follow me, Ed Roth, on Twitter @edstencil1.  Now to win, make sure to do STEP 2 –  send me a tweet “@edstencil1:  I love Stencil101 Decor…” and add whatever else you’d like to the end of the sentence. I’ll pick a winner in a week so please tweet before Friday Nov 13th!  Also, make sure to check out our events calendar to the left for book launch events and leave me a post here just for fun!  Can’t wait to share a copy with the lucky winner! Thanks, Ed

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One reply on “Stencil 101 Decor Twitter CONTEST!

  • ed

    talilula is the winner of the twitter contest! It was hard to decide among all the fun comments but I liked the post because they said they would paint a train and visually I thought how fun this would look, a decorative stencil on a rough old subway train. I like this mix of outside and inside. Congrads talilula and thanks everyone for the great tweets!

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