Customized Trick of the Eye

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We design our own stencils, but we can also make custom stencils for you! Our latest client, Dr. Jart+, a high-end cosmetics line, asked us to install a whole series of wall stencils for their office in NY. We created large stencils for their logo and even their products!

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Kristofer Ghadry, the Design Director, thought it would be clever to make stencils that fooled the eye. So, we created stencils that looked like their products were on shelves on the wall! It’s an extremely unique idea and it really tied the space together.

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Check out our Gallery for more installation work from our clients such as, Benjamin Moore, Z Hotel, and more!

Interested in working with Stencil1 for a custom installation? Email us at for more information and a quote!

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