Stencil1 on Chef’s Table with Niki Nakayama





Hi fellow Stencilers and food lovers! Have you been watching Chef’s Table on Netflix recently? Maybe you might have noticed, but our birch tree stencil made an appearance on the show! We’re thrilled and honored to have chef Niki Nakayama use our birch tree stencil to create one of her stunning dishes.
Chef’s Table showcases a behind-the-scenes look at the kitchen of a different culinary genius in each episode. In her episode, Nakayama uses our stencil to make an edible tree which is then decorated with sushi and salad greens. These then act as the tree’s fruit and leaves. Her novel approach to using the stencil and how it created a lovely new way of presenting her dish is amazing! During her plating of this dish, she says

“Someday when all is set and done, I am going to do my own thing and just be free.”

We love her entrepreneurial spirit! Watch the episode and find out more about Niki Nakayama!


Hopefully, this inspires you to think outside the box the next time you make dinner. What culinary masterpieces can you come up with using our stencils?




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