Baked in Brooklyn

Recently, I visited Baked in Brooklyn and brought our new Stencil1 Plaid stencils with us! I grew up painting ceramics but never actually stenciled them. I chose a plate and some tiles to paint. The studio has many ceramic surfaces to choose from and great colors to choose from including some speckled paints which I thought added some nice texture to the pieces.

Ashley, the owner of Baked in Brooklyn showed me the ropes and I loved the process. Then there is the waiting part, after you paint, you have to wait a few days for the pieces to get fired. In a day of instantaneous results, I rather enjoyed this.

We decided to have a stencil night on August 20th from 7-10pm. If you’d like to learn to stencil, please sign up at  

Check out some of the pictures we took and definitely stop by if you are in the area.


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