Stenciled Eggs

Have you noticed it’s the year of breaking traditions? I see a trend in holiday crafts that break away from the norm – chevron pumpkins, succulent filled wreathes, and now eggs are up for some reinvention. As a stencil artist, I have thought of this for some time but wrapping a stencil around an egg, not so easy. UNTIL NOW! (say that in a radio announcer voice).  The folks at PLAID have these fantastic sticky rubbery stencils that can wrap around surfaces.  I was introduced to these stencils at the CHA when I ran some demos at the Plaid booth and my brain starting thinking of all the surfaces I dismissed for being to hard to stencil!  Cut to today, I was on Pinterest and saw some Easter Egg images and the stencils came to mind! So I broke out the stencils, adhered them to the eggs and used inkpads and a stencil brush to apply the designs. Who doesn’t love an Easter egg hunt and It would be fun to have the stenciled egg be the grand prize winner!

Oh and out of sheer boredom I sprayed my spray inks on one egg for a “graffiti egg” design! Let me see your reinvented egg designs!

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