Levi's Stencil1 Artist Residency


Come through to the Levi’s® Store in SoHo to meet Stencil1’s very own, Ed Roth, from June 23-25, 2016 at 12-5 PM each day! Get a free customization by Ed when you purchase any Levi’s® product.

Levi's artist resident stencil1

Choose from numerous designs such as our Stencil1 Anchor, Antlered Deer, Fixed Gear Bike stencil, and many more!

Levi's stencil1 artist residency

You can also pick from a variety of paint colors from our friends at Pebeo!

levi's stencil1 pebeo artist residency

Come take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts! Hope to see you all there.

Share your Stencil1 custom items with us @Stencil1!

Levi's Pride

Express yourself! Here’s another sneak peek for an upcoming event we have with Levi’s® this month celebrating the month of LGTB Pride. Spread some love with Stencil1 and Levi’s® with your very own Pride T-Shirt!

Things you will need: Any T-Shirt, paint and a paint brush, and any Stencil1 stencil.

Levi's Pride

Using the stencil of your choice, place it on the shirt in your desired location. Here, we’re using the *NEW* Stencil1 Equality Stencil 4-Pack!

Levi's Pride

Grab your paint and paint brush and load your brush with paint. Remove any excess paint on a plate or paper towel to prevent any bleeding underneath the stencil. Start painting over stencil in a dabbing motion. This dry brush method is perfect for any detailed stencil! (Tip: add a piece of tape to each side of the stencil to keep it in place)


Levi's Pride

Keep building multiple layers of paint until you have reached your desired opacity.


Once dry, carefully remove the stencil.


Continue to decorate your shirt. The more stencils, the more love! Maybe a Stencil1 Letters & Numbers stencil will help you get your message across!


You don’t have to only use the front of the shirt! Here we added an equal sign to the sleeve of the shirt.


There you have it. Love for ALL! How do you plan on celebrating LGBT Pride Month? Share it with us @Stencil!


Interested in a custom stencil? Find out how you can order your very own custom stencil here!


We’re gearing up for an upcoming event with Levi’s® this mid-June where we will be customizing purchased items in-store using our very own Stencil1 stencils! More details to come. Here’s a little preview of what you can expect for the event.

Levi's T Shirt

Things you will need: Any T-shirt, paint and a paint brush, and a Stencil1 Small Image stencil.

Levi's T Shirt

Place the stencil of your choice on the shirt. We placed the 6 x 6 Anchor Stencil right above the chest area on the left. Use some tape, if necessary, on the top and bottom of the stencil to hold the stencil in place.

Levi's T Shirt

Using your brush, pick up some paint and dab the excess paint on a paper towel or plate. This will ensure that paint will not seep through under the stencil or through the shirt.

Levi's T Shirt


Levi's T Shirt

Once the paint is dry, carefully lift the stencil to reveal the final product!

Levi's T Shirt

Repeat throughout the shirt as much as you’d like! We decided to stop here and keep it minimal. This is a perfect way to amp up your wardrobe for the Summer.

Levi's T Shirt

We want to see your amped up Summer wardrobe! Share it with us @Stencil1

Summer is just around the corner! Finally, a break from the cold, rainy weather. Step out and enjoy the sun with a Stencil1 DIY tote bag! This how-to will teach you transform your eco-friendly, yet plain, recycled tote bag into a brand new, edgy tote!

For this tote bag, we used the Stencil1 Sprayers, Fixed Gear Bike stencil, and Asian Mum stencil.

Summer bike tote

Get creative! Start off by spraying your bag with the spray ink. Then, continue to layer over the ink with your favorite stencils until you are satisfied.

Summer bike tote

Now hop on your bike and you’re good to go!

We want to see your DIY Summer tote bag. Share it with us @Stencil1!


I recently designed and donated a print to be sold at a Housing Works event DESIGN ON A DIME. The inspiration was champagne bubbles and was printed on gold metallic paper with a black ink.

We donated our print to 513 Design Studio, an award-winning, multi-disciplinary creative agency, and they created a booth with our print inside.





The print sold in 10 minutes with all proceeds going to charity, I couldn’t be happier!

513 Design Studio also made the editors at Fashion Times Top 5 favorite booths at the event!