Levi’s® Striped Anchor Shirt


We’re gearing up for an upcoming event with Levi’s® this mid-June where we will be customizing purchased items in-store using our very own Stencil1 stencils! More details to come. Here’s a little preview of what you can expect for the event.

Levi's T Shirt

Things you will need: Any T-shirt, paint and a paint brush, and a Stencil1 Small Image stencil.

Levi's T Shirt

Place the stencil of your choice on the shirt. We placed the 6 x 6 Anchor Stencil right above the chest area on the left. Use some tape, if necessary, on the top and bottom of the stencil to hold the stencil in place.

Levi's T Shirt

Using your brush, pick up some paint and dab the excess paint on a paper towel or plate. This will ensure that paint will not seep through under the stencil or through the shirt.

Levi's T Shirt


Levi's T Shirt

Once the paint is dry, carefully lift the stencil to reveal the final product!

Levi's T Shirt

Repeat throughout the shirt as much as you’d like! We decided to stop here and keep it minimal. This is a perfect way to amp up your wardrobe for the Summer.

Levi's T Shirt

We want to see your amped up Summer wardrobe! Share it with us @Stencil1

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