Botanical Garden Wear

Turn your break from the city into a creative play date with Mother Nature. One of the best things about Botanical Garden Wear is that it’s fun, easy, and can be done in the great outdoors! So go grab a t-shirt and see what Mother Nature has to offer.

Things you will need to make this shirt: Stencil1 Sprayers, t-shirt, the great outdoors, cardboard, Holiday Cocktail (optional)


Step 1. Start by placing t-shirt on a flat surface. Remove any debris that is visible on the shirt.


Stencil1 Sprayers are great for fabric and paper projects!


Step 2. Place ferns, leaves, or flowers in the position for the desired design.

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Step 3. Spray Stencil1 Sprayers lightly over ferns equally. Here’s a high speed video to show you how easy it is!


Step 4. After a few minutes, slowly remove the fern and check out your new wardrobe.

Use hairdryer to dry the t-shirt, otherwise shirt will remain wet for a long period of time.

Before wearing the t-shirt, make sure to iron it with a piece of fabric between the iron and the t-shirt.


Snap a picture of it, and share it with us @Stencil1!



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