Bicycle Helmet

The quickest and most convenient way to get around in Brooklyn is biking. Which means biking culture is constantly expanding in the city. This inspired our Stencil1 bike set and we thought it would be fun to use the stencils on a helmet. Try this with your helmet and show us your results @Stencil1

This is what you’ll need for this how to: Stencil1 Bicycle set, a helmet, stencil brush, multi-surface paint and painter’s tape


Step 1: Tape one of the bike stencils on the helmet using painter’s tape.


Step 2: Pour some paint on a plate and dip your stencil brush in the paint. Remember that stenciling is a dry brush technique, which mean using very little paint and applying multiple layers.


Step 3: Use the brush to stencil the helmet painting in a up-and-down or circular motion.


Step 4: Lift the stencil and allow the paint to dry to touch.


Step 5: Repeat the same steps to stencil the other side of the helmet with a different bike.




Snap a picture and show us what your helmet look like!

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