Going Cardboard Crazy!!

Challenge accepted and done!  Love, love, love the idea of making posters using Stencil 1 images! Just the touch for spicing up a dull and dreary home! Especially as we break out of our winter coats and start soaking in the sunshine!

For this set of posters, I went cardboard crazy! It’s a great surface for the Stencil 1 sprays, it’s pretty cheap and available..visit a dumpster or a friend who’s just moved..it cuts well and is pretty darn durable. So, for these, I primed them all first with white acrylic paint. I like to paint just a small square, leaving a nice border of cardboard all of the way around..it’s also handy if later I want to mat or frame. After the paint has dried, add some shots of color with the Stencil 1 sprays. I usually go to town on this part of the design..spray a little, brayer to move the colors around, spray some more, blot with towel to remove dark spots..play, play, play..Once that layer is dry, I go back with my chosen image and stencil it in white acrylic paint..pretty loose, as this will just be an under layer of white. Once this layer is dry..color can be added again to color in the image..or left solid (like the tapes and dj piece). So, when you have a dry background..last thing to do is layer the stencils on again and stencil in black acrylic paint for a real pop! I’ll be back with the next round soon-elaine..0h and thanks Jen for the pics!!

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