Contest: Free Autographed Book + One Extra Mylar Stencil! CLOSED- WE HAVE WINNER!


Hey all! Want a free Stencil101 Book? Well, tell me here what you will do with the book and I will send you a FREE AUTOGRAPHED book AND one other stencil from my Stencil1 collection! The book has 25 pre-cut varnished card stock stencils within it plus 9 How-To’s!We will announce the winner January 21. Good Luck!

So, to enter:

  • Leave a comment telling me what you will do with your book if you
    win- What will you create?
  • Be sure to leave your first name AND last initial when commenting
    or you will not be included in the giveaway (this helps to avoid confusion).
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25 replies on “Contest: Free Autographed Book + One Extra Mylar Stencil! CLOSED- WE HAVE WINNER!

  • Stephi D.

    I love to make handmade cards for loved ones and scrapbook pages. I love your Obama stencil and am wanting to make a few pages about this historical election. Thanks for the chance to win your book.

  • jenny e

    i am a photographer, but i love painting and would love to get back into the mode, and i would use the fab stencils in your book in my paintings/mixed media/things:)
    i think it would also be tons of fun to go crazy with the stencils on some of my boring old wood furniture, and jazz it up!

  • Jaclyn M.

    I have an unpainted chest of drawers that I would love to use these stencils on. Oh, and I’d stencil some onesies for my daughter…she’d be the coolest baby in town!

  • samg

    I am also a big fan of graffiti and street art. Ive been learning how to write stylistically and like it. I stick to only legal walls and areas and i make all my own tees with custom stencils. I would use the stencil on my tees walls and longboard, i would use them to customize everything i have.

  • Michael H.

    I lived in Chicago for about five years and thats when I started getting into Grafitti and tagging. There is some great Street art there. Check out the book Bomb the Suburbs. If it’s still in print. However I now live a much smaller city and got a new apt. that could used some sprucing up with your stencils as could a few local bars – They gave me the OK. After I should them some of your stuff. I almost would not want to use it if you signed it – because it would be a collectors item, but I know I would get too excited bust out my old cap collection and put a mask on. hehe.. The dumpster behind my new building needs some sprucing up also.

  • marco

    I want to make t-shirts. Plus I want to put the images on other stuff… like my town. Trust me. this is a necessary tool for the aesthetic future of my commonwealth, and its beautification is entirely dependent on your hooking me up with some sweet stencils.

  • Katherine B (The Queen)

    Oooohhh! My heart almost stopped when I saw the pink Jolly Roger shoes on your home page! I am so totally into that look right now – and what befits a Queen better than pink?

    Quick note – thanks for your ideas on my yucky piece. I appreciate your words of wisdom! 🙂

    As for what I would do with an autographed copy of your incredibly awesome book? I would stencil my way from one end of my studio to the other, marking everything that can’t move! (Watch out sleeping kitties – mad woman with fantastic stencil and cool book on the loose! bahahaha) I would stencil cards, paper, cloth, furniture, walls…and I may just have to copy you and do some really neat shoes. The more I think about them, the more I love them. A good stencil makes life so much easier and more fun!

    Thanks for the fun contest – I love coming up with ideas for terrific items – and your stencils definitely fit the bill of being terrific! 🙂

    Hugs and smiles,
    Katherine 🙂

  • Kara D.

    I’d love to make some t-shirts. I love doing papercrafting.. collages, cards, etc. I can think of a million uses for your very cool, very hip stencils. Thanks for the opportunity.

  • Lisa T

    Hi Ed, I love your book! Saw it at the Paper Studio in Tempe. I have an artist booth at our local farmers market and once in awhile i set aside my merchandise and do a free craft/make and take booth for market customers! Kids and kids at heart.
    If I win, i will take all of your stencils to the market and do an “I’ll Stencil the Shirt off Your Back” booth. I will bring a bunch of thrift store tees which people can stencil and convert into reusable shopping bags (we sew the bottom and cut out the sleeves to create handles). Imagine your designs walking all around the streets of downtown Phoenix! Lisa T

    Edit your post:
    Hi Ed, I love your book! Saw it at the Paper Studio in Tempe. I have an artist booth at our local farmers market and once in awhile i set aside my merchandise and do a free craft/make and take booth for market customers! Kids and kids at heart.
    If I win, i will take all of your stencils to the market and do an “I’ll Stencil the Shirt off Your Back” booth. I will bring a bunch of thrift store tees which people can stencil and convert into reusable shopping bags (we sew the bottom and cut out the sleeves to create handles). Imagine your designs walking all around the streets of downtown Phoenix! Lisa T

  • Jason A.

    Oh, gosh i hope im not too late for THIS one….! If i am to win this autographed stencil book, i will use it to make innovative designs everywhere, from my room to my notebooks…anywhere to get Stencil1’s cool designs out there. I have loved art since i was a kid, learning crafts such as charcoal and watercolour. And being a hip-hop fan and after playing Marc Ecko’s Getting Up…i’ve been inspired to try new mediums. I promise not to vandalize with your stencils and give u a bad name. Besides, graffiti in Ghana (West Africa) is frowned upon. You’ll be guaranteed that it’ll be put to the best of uses. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE, ED ROTH U ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shawna R

    Your designs are awesome! I can’t wait to get my hands on your book. Among zillions of other ideas, I could see customizing T-shirts and notebooks with my kids ages 16 & 18. We could stencil the whole house! They would flip! Keep doing what you’re doing!! Thanks!

  • rayray

    yo! i was snooping thru facebook (ok ok, creeping thru facebook) and noticed that one of my friends got this book at Christmas. one thing led to another, and here i am entering a contest for your book! i’m a fan of street art… but what i really would use your book for is to… stencil up my new bomb-ass snowboard!!! whut?! ya i know, you’re supposed to sticker a board up. but i wanted to do something more unique with spraypaint… and stencils! so yo… hook a bruther up… and your designs will be at the top of the world – literally… high up in the Rocky Mountains. and when i’m sharing a lift with some curious dude… i’ll say “ yo, check it out”. nuff said. =) -rayray

  • Lindsay L

    I spend my days exhausting the left hemisphere of my brain as a scientist and when I come home from the laboratory all I want to do is exercise my right brain. I have been collecting garage sale treasures for quite awhile now and winning this book would be the ultimate impetus for finally tackling these projects! I cannot think of a better way to spend my free time than collecting the local (often redneck) garage sale cast-offs and transforming them into colorful, radiant, funky works of art. And, really, why stop at the garage sale items? I have a house full of boring walls and closets full of fading tshirts… HELP ME!

  • Lisa P

    First, I’d have 3rd graders use them in art class (volunteer teacher). Then, I’d make lots of use of them in my mixed media art projects—fabric art, paper art, and paintings. I’d also use them for lots of handmade cards—I’d have my college students play with them when we do card making near Valentine’s Day. Stencils are great embellishments so I’m anxious to have a signed Stencil book!!! Thanks for the opportunity to sign up.

  • Jacinta T

    I’ve already taken to my clothes freehand using acrylic paint.. with every intention of creating some really funky 1-of-a-kind stuff. I have the will to be creative, but not the talent for freehand. I actually hadn’t considered stencilling, until I saw a stencil that someone had put up on a wall outside where I work, and I thought that would be a great way to enhance my wardrobe without giving into to consumerism of name brands!…it would really take away any issues that I have with the flaws in my work, and the designs in the book are awesome.


    That’s my attempt to subliminally win. 😀

  • Kristina

    Well I’ve already received the book, which was one of my favorite Christmas gifts ( , BUT I’d still love an autographed copy. What would I do for this version? Of course I would customize my second favorite gift which were my houndstooth Wellies. Beautiful stencil on a beautiful pattern? How much better does it get?

  • Kristina

    Well I’ve already received the book, which was one of my favorite Christmas gifts, BUT I’d still love an autographed copy. What would I do for this version? Of course I would customize my second favorite gift which were my houndstooth Wellies. Beautiful stencil on a beautiful pattern? How much better does it get?

  • julio villalta

    i love making stencils
    i have been making them for about 5 or 6 years now

    i have the great Banksy and wall piece stencil book ,..
    and the MEXICO:STENCIL:PROPA book

    and i think that this book will add a great accomplishment to my collection….. thanks …


  • Jennifer Hope

    I just found your stuff today via Etsy & I am totally in love! I am a “maker”…i do altered art & assemblage mostly but I also sew and make jewelry…I would love to use some of your fab stencils on some of my pieces. *right now i’m thinking Andy Warhol-esque quilt with each square individually stenciled* hmmm…gears are turning! anywho, keep up the good work & congrats to whoever wins!

  • Dina C.

    Hi Ed! My name’s Dina (as you can see) and I’m a part of my Arts council at my high school. Unfortunately, for the first semester of school, our participation in trying to “pump up” everyone to appreciate the arts at our school was DEFINITELY lacking. Our work was limited because of our low budget, and many people in my school were wondering if we were working on any projects. On the plus side, we can finally redeem ourselves on “Art Day,” which is a day dedicated to the arts! And it’s coming up very soon!

    I would love to set up a school wide project of muraling one of the school walls. My classmates need to realize how many talented student artists there are because many people don’t even visit the student-art galleries at my school. With your stencils and some paintbrushes and paint, I think muraling our school would be a great way to unify the grades and teach them how fun art can really be! Your stencils would be forever remembered as a prime ingredient to turn the wall of our high school into a beautiful masterpiece.
    Thanks for reading! :]


    All the comments were so incredibly cool, Lots of creative people out there! I decided on Stephi D since Ie’d love to see what she does with the book and the extra free Obama stencil for her scrapbooking plans. I think that would be something very cool to look at, a piece of history! Please share your designs with us Stephi D. and I’ll post them! Congrats and I’ll send a signed book and stencil out ASAP! – Ed

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