Chalkboards are so trending right now, I see chalkboard projects everywhere. I wanted to do some layering effects on the board and make it useful too. Also, I am a list person and creating this board will save me paper!
Here’s how I made my To Do board:

First I took a wood art board and poked two holes in it so later I could string it with twine to hang.

I then painted the board with Chalkboard paint. I used traditional black. I painted two coats.

Once that dried I stenciled the words “to do” on the board using my Corsiva alphabet stencil.

I wanted my to do board to be fun so I used my birds on wires to add these little guys and the lines function as areas to write. I stenciled using very little white paint to make it look like chalk but not be erasable. Once that was dry, I conditioned the board with some chalk. You have to rub chalk all over the board then erase it. Otherwise, when you write on your board, it may show permanently what you wrote.
I then strung some twine to hang the board. Hung, chalk ready, and time to write my list!