This DIY is my favorite one of the bunch this year and thank you IKEA for having these “Borrby” lanterns in stock! I purchased two of these lanterns in black and what’s nice is they stand about 17” tall, a nice bold statement!

This decor was thought out to be symmetrical and luckily with stencils you can flip them to do mirror images! I choose our Angel stencil in 8.5” x 11” but you can do whatever images you want for any season or just for decor.

I taped my stencil in place and grabbed some black spray paint. Spray paint and gloss are an excellent combination! I placed my stencil over the glass and taped it in place. I did a light even spray of paint and let it dry. I lifted the stencil off and it was done!

I did the same for the second lantern glass except flipped the stencil so the angels face each other when placed on each side of the entry. When planning this, make sure you are stenciling the inside of the glass so it stays protected from the elements.

I hand brush painted the smaller lanterns with our snowflake stencil. Balanced and tasteful, no?

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