Stenciled Swimwear

Hey Stencilers!

Summer’s not over yet. Let’s enjoy this hot weather while we still have it! Try upcycling your plain swimwear with Stencil1 stencils! Guaranteed to have heads turning.

Things you will need: White swimwear, paintbrushes, Stencil1 repeat patterns, Tulip soft fabric paint, and piece of cardboard.


Step 1. Gather your materials. Before you start painting, make sure you place the piece of cardboard between the material to prevent the paint bleeding from one side to the other. Here, we got these nylon swimming trunks from H&M. Place your stencil on top of your swimwear and hold in place. For this tutorial, we’re using the Shifted Rectangles repeat pattern.


Step 2. Load up your brush with your desired color and paint away! Painting on nylon can be difficult, but it’s definitely not impossible. Try to take your time so that the material doesn’t shift too much. Patience is key!


Step 3. Wait a few minutes until it’s dry before you remove the stencil.


And that’s it! They’re ready to wear into the water. Show them off at the beach, pool, or wherever you please for whatever we have left of the Summer!

Snap a picture of it, and share with us @Stencil1!

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